We LAKSHMI ELECTRONICS. “Being the “Importer and producer” as per E- Waste(management) Rules 2016, hereby pleased to submit our detailed EPR plan. We being a good corporate citizen always give priority to compliance and follow all regulations amended time to time by government authorities related to E-Waste management. As per the requirement of new E-Waste management rules,2016 we have taken several steps to implement the same as per guidelines issued by CPCB. We hereby submit our EPR plan having details about general schemes of collection, channelization plan, ROHS compliance details etc.
We are partnered with “M/S BRIGHT E WASTE RECYLING INDIA”, having registered office at KHASRA NO.512, GANESHPUR,TEHSIL MAWANA, DISTRICT MEERUT -250404, UTTAR PRADESH As a part of agreement M/S BRIGHT E WASTE RECYLING INDIA collects all our E-waste generated from PAN India and handle its transportation for dismantling/recycling .
- Our recycler having 24 collection centres in main states of india. For channelization of e waste, recycler has logistic services that help in transportation of our e waste from collection centres to recycling/dismantling unit.
- M/S BRIGHT E WASTE RECYLING INDIA has entered into agreement with Dismantler VASOO METALS having registered office at G-287 M.IA ALWAR, 301001 RAJASTHAN
- Keeping in view our sales volume and generation of e-waste as per our future e-waste targets and our expansion plan we have decided to follow this mechanism in our organization for collection of e-waste.
- As per our agreement with M/S BRIGHT WASTE E RECYLING INDIA, if any customer wants to hand over their old product they can reach or call on the toll free number of the recycler 1800-309-6236 all over India. M/S BRIGHT WASTE E RECYLING INDIA representative explain them about process of recycling and make them aware about nearest drop point available to drop the e-waste, also give information about incentive we will offer them against their end of life product. If any customer wants to hand over the material from their door step we do send either our logistic team or M/S BRIGHT WASTE E RECYLING INDIA team to collect the item and channelize the same to our e-waste partner plant for final processing.
- M/S BRIGHT E WASTE RECYLING INDIA, our e-waste management partner is having all authorization related to e-waste recycling/dismantling from CPCB having all connects related to hazardous Waste Management. They have a capacity of MT 5000 per annul.
Details of collection centers
The collection center meant for collection of material from end user and channelizing the same to our e-waste management partner as per Annexure-I.
E-Waste material collection centre/point Collection
Facilities (Collection Point /Centres, Warehouse)

Channelization of E-Waste & Flow Chart
We are partnered with “M/S BRIGHT E WASTE RECYLING INDIA” having registered office at KHASRA NO.512, GANESHPUR,TEHSIL MAWANA, DISTRICT MEERUT -250404, UTTAR PRADESH As a part of agreement M/S BRIGHT E WASTE RECYLING INDIA collects all our E-waste generated from PAN India and handle its transportation for dismantling/recycling .
- M/S BRIGHT E WASTE RECYLING INDIA has entered into agreement with Dismantler VASOO METALS having registered office at G-287 M.I.A Alwar, 301001 Rajasthan.
- There will be toll free number wherein company/Authorized recycler can be contacted to locate collection points for returning back of e-waste or for arranging pick-up of the-E-waste.
- Awareness through website, newspaper advertisements, user manual, product package and banners at our service centers to aware customer about hazardous of improper handling of e-waste as well as to suggest them about nearest e-waste drop point or to schedule a pickup at their door step with the help of our PAN India logistic facility.
- We have installed/installing collection bins at our service centers for collection of old or end life product, accessories, spare parts etc. and further channelizing to our e-waste partner for proper recycling/dismantling.


Whether all states are covered?
Yes,” LAKSHMI ELECTRONICS” . “exists PAN India and cover all locations in India for collection and channelizing of E-waste either through collection centre/point or through logistic partners.
Specific collection schemes (Buyback, exchange, DRS, etc.)
We have mechanism of incentivizing customers who wants to return their end of life product (e-waste), whereby if any of our customers wants to discard their product they can call on our toll free numbers, Once any call is received at our toll free number, our team will directly contact them and make an agreement and collect the end of life product (e-waste) from their door step,
and depending upon life of product we incentivize our customer.
We propose to have mechanism of incentivizing customer who wish to return their end of life product (e-waste), whereby if any customer wish to discard their product, they can call on the toll free number of the recycler 1800-309-6236 all over India . The representative will explain them about the process of disposal and shall make them aware about the nearest collection
center/collection point available to drop the e-waste and shall also give information about the incentive and exchange offer, if any, we will offer to them against their end of life product. If any customer wants to handover the material from their doorstep we do send either our logistics team or M/S BRIGHT E WASTE RECYLING INDIA team to collect the item and channelize the same to our e- waste partner plant for final processing. We incentivize our customer depending upon the life of product.
E-waste Exchange
We usually run e-waste exchange program whereby we will encourage our end user to deposit any of their old products and accessories (irrespective of brand) we exchange the same with either new one after giving some discount. This can be done at any of our collection point or by calling at our toll free number.
We have not opted for ‘Deposit Refund Scheme ‘though we encourage our Customer to hand over their end of life products by incentivizing them either by awarding them with monetary benefit or by giving discounts on purchase of new product against submission of old product.
Agreements with Authorized Recyclers/Dismantlers
We have partnered with M/S BRIGHT E WASTE RECYLING INDIA for
channelization as well as recycling/dismantling of all our e-waste generated
from PAN India.
Details of vender are as follows:
Processing capacity: 100 MTA
Contact details- 1800-309-6236
Estimated budget for extended producer responsibility and allied initiatives to create consumer awareness.
We allocate the budget on yearly basis as per below details:
Estimated budget for Extended Producer Responsibility and allied initiative to create consumer awareness. The company has decided to allocate a budget of Rs. 1 Lakhs for EPR and allied initiatives. The breakup of this fund will be based on the following broad three categories viz.
i. Awareness Programmers—————————– Cost Rs.25,000Yearly.
ii. Schemes of Collection ——————————–CostRs.25,000Yearly.
iii. Channelization (reverse logistics) ——————Cost-Rs.50,000Yearly.
The above broad categories can be subdivided into, Awareness programs and training, Special
Drive for Collections of e-waste, incentive scheme ,making Collection Points,
Channelization(including cost of reverse logistical, Recycle/Dismantlers Management Fees and any other scheme/initiative.
Brief Breakup of Estimated Budget:

- We have partnered with M/S BRIGHT E WASTE RECYLING INDIA registered with Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) for management and dismantling/recycling of all our E-Waste.
- We furnish all the details related to recycling/dismantling of e-waste/toll free number/collection points details on our web site to educate customer about e-waste and how to hand over the same to us once they reach end of life.
- We have establish a toll free number for our customer if they want to give their end of life product for recycling they call on toll free number and hand over the same to us, finally our e-waste partner M/S BRIGHT E WASTE RECYLING INDIA collect those from across India branches and dispose the same in environmentally sound manner.
- We shall encourage our end users to deposit their old phone (irrespective of brand).
- We have collection points meant for collection of material from users and channelizing the same to our e-waste management partner.
- We shall print e-waste related information on job sheet which are being delivered to customer who comes at service center for product repair.
- We furnish all the details related to recycling/dismantling of e-waste/toll free number/collection points details on our website to educate customer about e-waste and how to hand over the same to us once they reach end of life.
- We have installed e-waste bin at our service center/collection points across India and partnered M/S BRIGHT E WASTE RECYLING INDIA with for its collection and recycling.
- We propose to regularly conduct awareness drive at all our offices and provide proper training to employee’s amount handling of e-waste.
- Affixing a visible, legible and indelible symbol (non-disposal as ordinary waste) on the products or information booklets to prevent e-waste from being dropped in garbage bins containing waste destined for recycling/dismantling.
- Company is also undertaking awareness programs through website, posters, and information booklet accompanying the equipment with regards to:
a. Information on hazardous constituents (like lead, mercury, cadmium or chromium) in electrical and electronic equipment’s.
b. Information on hazards of improper handling, accidental breakage, damage and/or improper recycling of e-waste.
c. Instructions for handling of the equipment’s after its use along with Do’s and Don’ts; and
d. Affixing a visible, legible and indelible symbol (Non-disposal as ordinary waste) on the products or information booklets to prevent e-waste from being dropped in the garbage bin containing waste distained for recycling/dismantling.